First published: June 3, 2024
Last updated: January 19, 2024

A stone monument inscribed by Onisaburo with
the words 'Reisen-kyo (Paradise of Spiritual Fountain)'

According to Onisaburo, Taiwan is an integral part of the Kami's work. Without it, His work would not be completed.

For this reason, Onisaburo prohesied shortly after the end of World War II in September, Showa 20 (1945) that Japan would lose Taiwan, one of its territories, but that the Kami would make things better for the island again in the future, as shown below:

Kami's pledge to make things better for Taiwan again in the future.
Excerpts from the Shingetsu no Kage (Light of the New Moon)

Table of Contents
  1. The kata (model)-based correlation between Taiwan and Japan

  2. Taiwan in the Reikai Monogatari

The kata (model)-based correlation between Taiwan and Japan

The religious group Omoto (literally "Great Source" or "Great Origin") was a divine theatrical troupe that implemented the Kami's programs based on the concept of kata, or models. For details on the kata principles, see The Dragon-Shaped Japanese Islands.
Webmaster's note: The Kami here is interchangeable with the One, God, the Providence, the Supreme Being and the like.

Omoto's teachings maintain that Omoto serves as a model of Japan, which in turn serves as a model of the world. In other words, what happens to Omoto will happen to Japan in a similar manner, and what happens to Japan will happen to the rest of the world on a larger, more dramatic scale.
Webmaster's note: Onisaburo further says that the solar system is a microcosm of the great universe, that the Earth is a microcosm of the solar system, that the Japanese archipelago is a microcosm of the Earth, and that the Amami islands (part of the Ryukyu islands) is a microcosm of the Japanese archipelago.

With Onisaburo as head of the divine theatrical company, Omoto believers often unknowingly sowed seeds (i.e. models) through their actions in the hope that those seeds would grow to let divine power shine through the world to eliminate social evils and corrupt institutions.

Just like any drama, Omoto's divine drama also required villains. Some of those villains were Omoto believers with ulterior motives while others were members of the Deguchi family. The Omoto Shin'yu, a holy text of Omoto, indicates that the Kami often needs to make some members of the Deguchi family play villains because He cannot let other non-Deguchi believers play such roles.

Taka-hime, a character appearing in the Reikai Monogatari, is a case in point. One of the real-life models of Taka-hime is known to be Hisa Fukushima, the third daughter of Nao Deguchi, one of the Omoto founders. Possessed by the evil spirit Yamata no Orochi (Eight-Forked Serpent), Hisa rebelled against Onisaburo with a vengiance by founding her own religious group. She played the role of evil force in Omoto's divine drama, and the seed of her being brought to her knees was planted so that evil force would be beaten into submission in real life going forward. When Hisa passed away, Onisaburo complimented her on playing the role no one else could, thereby contributing to the divine work.

Hisa Fukushima

Omoto had to undergo two unlawful government-sponsored persecutions: The First Omoto Incident of 1921, and the Second Omoto Incident of 1935. The Second Omoto Incident in particular is believed to have served as a model of the downfall of the Imperial Japanese Empire.

Basically, there are two types of kata: geographical kata, and provincial-soul kata.

Geographical kata are models based on geographical locations. Provincial-soul kata are models based on the tutelary deities of local provinces.

For geographical kata, the Island of Taiwan is a model of South Africa. (See images below)

Taiwan (= a former territory of Japan): Model of South America


Taiwan, rotated 180 degrees right

South America, an enlarged version of Taiwan

Onisaburo claims that Japan's main island of Honshu corresponds to Eurasia, the northern island of Hokkaido to North America, the island of Shikoku to Australia, the southern island of Kyushu to Africa, and Taiwan (a former territory of Japan) to South America.

Interestingly, indigenous peoples had long lived on the Island of Taiwan before Han Chinese colonists began settling on the island in the 17th century and beyond, just as South America had been dominated by indigenous peoples before the Spanish colonization of the continent. For details, see below: Taiwanese indigenous peoples were formerly known as Taiwanese aborigines, Takasago people or Gaoshan people. The term "Takasago" is used in the Reikai Monogatari mostly to describe the Island of Taiwan.

Onisaburo goes on to say that the Reikai Monogatari writes about nothing but Japan. His statement is in line with the notion that Japan is a miniature model of the world.

Onisaburo says that Taiwan is shaped in the image of the Maitreya.
He also adds that the Japanese archipelago shapes like a dragon
with its head being Kyushu, its tail being Hokkaido, and
its jeweled crown being Taiwan

Excerpts from the Shingetsu no Kage (Light of the New Moon)

Kunitokotachi no Mikoto (see picture below), the creator of the Earth's divine world, and his wife-deity Toyokumonu no Mikoto were banished by evil deities to three different places, depending on three different levels of kata models:

Level of kata model Kunitokotachi no Mikoto was banished to Toyokumonu no Mikoto was banished to
Kata of the World Japanese Archipelago Italian Island of Sardinia
Kata of Japan Mount Ashibetsu in Hokkaido Kikaija Island in Kagoshima
Kata of Omoto Meshima Island on the Sea of Japan Kamijima Island on the Seto Inland Sea

During his weeklong initiatory experience in the Spirit World, Onisaburo witnessed the "Great Divine Drama of the Whole World," the Kami's grand design for remodeling the world, along with a wide variety of actors who would play roles in the divine drama at Omoto and elsewhere. (See excerpts below)

Since the Spirit World transcends time and space, past, present and future events appear all at once as if they were reflected in a mirror. Those future events may materialize in the present world in a few days, 10 years or even hundreds of years, depending on circumstances.

In fact, Onisaburo recalled that he met some people he had met late in the Spirit World sooner than other peole he had met early.

Volume 1, Chapter 18 of the Monogatari (dictated on October 20, 1921)
Onisaburo says that the Spirit World transcends time and
space, and that past, present and future events appear
all at once as if they were reflected in a mirror.

Omoto often played Monogatari-based divine dramas on the stage
to promote the religious group's holy scripture.

Taiwan in the Reikai Monogatari

Historically, Taiwan was ceded to Japan in Meiji 28 (1895) by the Qing dynasty when it signed the Peace Treaty of Shimonoseki with Japan to end the Sino-Japanese War. Since then Taiwan had been a Japanese territory until Showa 20 (1945), when Japan was defeated in World War II.

Therefore, Taiwan was part of Japan during most of Onisaburo's life and his divine activities.

In the eyes of the Kami, Taiwan is such a strategically important site that several volumes of the Monogatari are set on the subtropical island, as shown below:

Volume Main Setting
1 Holy Land of Jerusalem, but there are some references to the Island of Takasago (= Taiwan)

Note 1: In the age of gods 350,000 years back from today, Jerusalem was located in Asia Minor, east of Turkey, near the border of Armenia.

Note 2: The number 350,000 should not be taken literally because it might be a figurative expression.
8 Takasago Jima (Island of Takasago; present-day South American Continent)

Note: Taiwan is a model of the South American Continent, or its "placenta." Therefore, the Monogatari refers to both Taiwan and South America as "Takasago."
28 Taiwan

Note: This volume is extremely important in that it is totally devoted to the Island of Takasago (= Taiwan).
29 Takasago Jima (present-day South American Continent)
64 Modern-day Jerusalem, but there are some references to the Island of Takasago

Note: This volume refers to Japan as the Island of Takasago, probably because Taiwan is part of Japan.
69 Land of Uzu (present-day Argentina) on Takasago Jima (present-day South American Continent)

▶Volume 3

Kamususanowo no Oh Kami, creator of the universe (right), working
in tandem with Kunitokotachi no Mikoto, creator of the Earth (left)

Volume 3 of the Monogatari describes how Kunitokotachi no Mikoto, creator of the Earth, his wife-deity Toyokumonu no Mikoto, and Amaji-wake (a past incarnation of Moses) enacted the Commandments of Heaven and Earth in the age of gods:
Internally, you shall:
  1. Examine yourself,

  2. Feel ashamed,

  3. Repent,

  4. Revere heaven and earth, and

  5. Awaken to truth.

Externally, you shall:
  1. Strictly observe the way of husband and wife and maintain a monogamous relationship,

  2. Serve God, respect your elders, and show love and affection for all that is, and

  3. Be forbidden to commit such immoralities as envy, slander, falsehood, larceny, and murder.

The 16 angels selected to spread and enforce the Divine Commandments of Heaven and Earth were:
  1. Oh Yashima-hiko

  2. Kototama-wake

  3. Kamikuni-wake

  4. Oh-daru-hiko

  5. Hanamori-hiko

  6. Iwakusu-hiko

  7. Mototeru-wake

  8. Michitsura-hiko

  9. Takaharu-hiko

  10. Arikuni-hiko

  11. Magane-hiko

  12. watama-hiko

  13. Tokiyo-hiko

  14. Azuma-wake

  15. Kamuzumi-hiko, and

  16. Takayama-hiko
Oh Yashima-hiko was also appointed as Chief Angel, the position responsible for supervising the other 15 angels.

Kunitokotachi relocated the 12 jewels of Venus enshrined on Mount Zion to 12 different regions of the world, and appointed 24 yatsugashira guardians to protect the jewels, and 12 yatsuoh rulers to govern the regions:

Region Jewel Color Yatsugashira Guardians Yatsuoh Ruler
Yu Shan
(Mt. Yu = Mt. Jade)

Wan Shou Shan
(Mt. Wanshou)




United States
Mt. Kijoh
(Ogre Castle)

Upper reaches of Niagara Falls
Chang Bai Shan
(Mt. Changbai = Mt. Paektu)

China, North Korea
Kunlun Shan
(Mt. Kunlun)

CrimsonOh Shima-hiko,
Oh Shima-hime
Tien Shan
(Mt. Tien)

Central Asia
Mt. Seiun
(Blue Cloud)

Tibet, India

Tibet, Nepal, India, Bhutan
Mt. Tacoma
(= Mt. Rainier)

United States

The webmaster's note: Yatsugashira guardians and yatsuoh rulers were originally good deities, but they have become corrupt since they were manipulated by the three largest groups of devils - namely, Yamata no Orochi (Eight-forked Serpent), Kimmo Kyubi no Akko (White-faced evil fox with nine blonde tails), and Rokumen Happi no Jaki (Six-faced, eight-armed ogre).

In the age of gods, the Island of Takasago (= Taiwan) was ruled peacefully by Yatsuoh Ruler Hanamori-hiko, with Takakuni-wake and Takakuni-hime strictly observing the Commandments of Heaven and Earth as Yatsugashira Guardians.

Takakuni-wake and Takakuni-hime went to a valley of Mount Yu (= Mount Jade). While coming down the valley to get some clear spring water, Takakuni-hime accidentally lost her footing and fell into the valley. She found herself drowning in the raging stream of the river, when one of her attendants named Tamate-hime rescued her master by jumping into the river. Since then Tamate-hime had won preferential treatment and great affection from the Yatsugashira Guardians. Her wit, resources, loyaly and bravery made Tamate-hime an influential figure in the castle, entrusted with the task of assisting the Yatsugashira Guardians in enforcing the Commandments of Heaven and Earth, thereby contributing to the peaceful rule of Mount Yu and the Island of Takasago.

However, Takakuni-hime developed a serious disease that resulted from her drowning, moaned and groaned, and was increasingly debilitated as days went by. Tamate-hime worked hard to nurse Takakuni-hime day and night, but her master's illness was only getting worse.

At this time, Yatsuoh Ruler Hanamori-hiko showed up, asked Takakuni-wake to come closer to him, and commanded him to expel Tamate-hime as soon as possible. Takakuni-wake stared at Hanamori-hiko in disbelief and answered him back. The Yatsuoh Ruler said that now was not the right time to disclose the truth, but that Takakuni-wake would have only to obey his command.

Takakuni-wake told Takakuni-hime and Tamate-hime about Hanamori-hiko's command. Given that Tamate-hime was a life-saver for her, Takakuni-hime said that she would refuse to obey such heartless command. She was so delirious with fever, resentment and other hard feelings that she ended up dead.

Takakuni-wake was deeply saddened by his wife's resentful death and held a grudge against Hanamori-hiko. Similarly, Tamate-hime shed hot tears and became indignant at Hanamori-hiko's cold-heartedness.

Takakuni-wake met with Hanamori-hiko and told him that he would not obey Hanamori-hiko's command to expel Tamate-hime, and that he held a grudge against his superior for his wife's death. As soon as he heard it, Hanamori-hiko ordered Takakuni-wake to go to the Land of the Roots (= Hell) for committing disobedience and thus violating the Commandments of Heaven and Earth.

Takakuni-wake was in the castle on Mount Yu. While he worked hard for the divine work, he felt lonely, did not correctly understand what Hanamori-hiko meant, and had a grievance against his superior. Tamate-hime supported and consoled his master. She eventually won the absolute trust of Takakuni-wake and was promoted to his second wife.

To tell the truth, Tamate-hime was a spy for Tokoyo-hime. She was the one who pushed Takakuni-hime into the valley, harmed her, and made her seriously ill.

Known as a great commander, Hanamori-hiko saw through Tamate-hime and told Takakuni-wake to expel her. But his subordinate disobeyed his command and was thus given the punishment.

Takakuni-wake and his new wife Tamate-hime sent a confidential letter to Chief Angel Oh Yashima-hiko no Mikoto, who was higher in position than Hanamori-hiko, entreating the Chief Angel to address Hanamori-hiko's tyranny. In response, Oh Yashima-hiko no Mikoto ordered Kototama-wake no Mikoto to investigate the whole event.

Kototama-wake no Mikoto heard a case in which Hanamori-hiko clashed with Takakuni-wake and Tamate-hime endlessly and reached a stalemate. As a last resort, Kototama-wake no Mikoto took the blue jewel from the shrine and shone it at Tamate-hime's face. What had looked like a beautiful princess abruptly shape-shifted into an evil fox and hopped on clouds to flee westwards in the sky.

Takakuni-wake finally woke up to Hanamori-hiko's insight, apologized in tears for his insolent attitude, and vowed to obey commands from higher-ranking kami officials for the service of the divine governance.

As time went by, however, Takakuni-wake was ensnared in one of many different traps set by a group of devils affiliated with Tokoyo-hime, and was replaced by Mohko-wake. Hanamori-hiko was also confined in a place southwest of Mount Yu. This allowed evil deities under Tokoyo-hime to occupy most of the peaceful Island of Taiwan.
The webmaster's note: Mohko of Mohko-wake means "Mongolia." This might remind some readers of the occupation of Taiwan by Chiang Kai-shek and his Kuomintang (KMT) - who were mainland Chinese, i.e. exiles from the Chinese mainland - upon Japan's defeat in World War II and the ensuing declaration of martial rule on the Taiwan natives.
Nonetheless, the purest spirit and soul of Hanamori-hiko have remained on the island, together with the blue jewel hidden somewhere for good. Descendants of Hanamori-hiko have existed even today and have been looking forward to the advent of the Age of the Maitreya Kami while improving their spirituality to become loyal and brave subjects of the Divine.

Taiwan has remained a crucial site to help usher in the Age of the Maitreya Kami since time immemorial. This is why Onisaburo says:
  • Taiwan is an integral part of the Kami's work. Without it, His work would not be completed, and

  • The Kami will make things better for Taiwan again in the future (= a prophecy made by Onisaburo in September, 1945 shortly after the end of World War II), as shown below:

    Kami's pledge to make things better for Taiwan again in the future.
    Excerpts from the Shingetsu no Kage (Light of the New Moon)

▶Volume 8

This volume focuses on developments on the Island of Takasago, or the modern-day South American Continent.

Here South America is referred to as the "Island of Takasago," probably because Taiwan (also known as the Island of Takasago) is a microcosm of South America.

Volume 8: Lands on the Island of Takasago in the age of gods,
and their corresponding present-day countries in South America

Image by courtesy of An Abstract of the Reikai Monogatari

Specifically, Volume 8 describes the great achievements of Kiyo-hiko and other disciples of Hinode no Kami (Sunrise Deity).

Kiyo-hiko becomes chief guardian for the Land of Hiru (= Peru; see map above) and upgrades his name to 'Momiji-hiko.' Incidentally, a guardian might be similar to a ruler, a king or the like in modern times.

Taka-hiko becomes chief guardian for the Land of Haru (= Brazil) and upgrades his name to 'Harayamadzumi.'

Masakayamadzumi becomes chief guardian for the Land of Udzu (= Argentina).

Disciple of Hinode no Kami Appointed as
(formerly named Kiyo-hiko)
Chief Guardian of Hiru (= Peru)
(formerly named Taka-hiko)
Chief Guardian of Haru (= Brazil)
(5th Chief Angel Momogami-hiko no Mikoto)
Chief Guardian of Udzu (= Argentina)

It should be noted that Masakayamadzumi is an alias for that self-aggrandized Momogami-hiko no Mikoto, i.e. the 5th Chief Angel - a post similar to a prime minister under the divine reign of Kunitokotachi no Mikoto - who conspired with Tokoyo-hime and other evil deities to subvert Kunitokotachi's theocracy in Jerusalem.
The webmaster's note: In the age of gods 350,000 years back from today, Jerusalem was located in Asia Minor, east of Turkey, near the border of Armenia. The number 350,000 should not be taken literally because it might be a figurative expression.
Masakayamadzumi has long been fallen on hard times, but he is saved by Hinode no Kami and is even elevated to the post of Chief Guardian of Udzu.

His three daughters (Matsuyo-hime, Takeno-hime, Umegaka-hime) especially achieve incredible feats in the Battle of the Even Pass of Hades, a military confrontation between good and evil deities on the Yomotsu-jima (Island of Hades) on the Pacific Ocean, as described in Volume 10.

Vol. 8, Chap. 38 describes Masakayamadzumi's true identity,
his appointment as Chief Guardian of Udzu, and his
daughters' great feats in the Battle of the Even Pass of Hades

A little digression, though, in Taisho 11 (1922), four years earlier than Churchward's publication, Onisaburo already mentioned the existence of a lost continent called the Yomotsu-jima (Island of Hades) on the Pacific Ocean.

When Onisaburo read a newspaper article about Churchward's research on Mu, he equated Mu with the Island of Yomotsu in the Monogatari.

Volume 9 of the Monogatari says that the Island of Yomotsu, i.e. the lost continent of Mu, was 2,700 nautical miles (Approx. 5,000 kilometers; 1 nautical mile = 1,852 meters) long and 3,100 nautical miles (Approx. 5,741 kilometers) wide, as shown below:

Dimensions of Island of Yomotsu (Vol. 9 of Reikai Monogatari)

Volume 12 describes how this continent, inhabited by growing numbers of evil deities, becomes a major battle field between good and evil deities, incurring its own demise in the depths of the ocean.

The following is an illustration of the lost continent of Mu (= the Island of Hades) carried in the Omoto literature before Japan's involvement in the Pacific War. Onisaburo once said that the Pacific War was a re-enactment of the battle at the Even Pass of Hades in the Kojiki (See [SECT. IX. - THE LAND OF HADES.])

Island of Yomotsu (= Lost Continent of Mu)

▶Volume 9

This volume, kind of a sequel to Volume 8, features three daughters of Masakayamadzumi (see above), i.e. Matsuyo-hime, Takeno-hime, and Umegaka-hime.

Matsuyo-hime, Takeno-hime and Umegaka-hime. have been searching for their missing father since they left the holy land of Jerusalem (in modern-day Asia Minor). They come all the way to the capital of the Land of Udzu (= modern-day Argentina).

Masakayamadzumi and Satsuki-hime get married as their wedding is conducted, when Matsuyo-hime, Takeno-hime and Umegaka-hime appear at Masakayamadzumi's residence to have a tearful, long-awaited reunion with their father.

The prospects are looming large of the Battle of the Even Pass of Hades, a military confrontation between good and evil deities on the Yomotsu-jima (Island of Hades = lost continent of Mu) on the Pacific Ocean. To defeat and reform evil deities in the Battle as adherents of the righteous Ananai faith, Matsuyo-hime, Takeno-hime and Umegaka-hime join Odoyamadzumi on a mission to the Land of Tokoyo (= North America) via the Lands of Teru (Chile), Hiru (Peru), Karu (Colombia), Hazama (Panama) and Me (Mexico) while leaving their father Masakayamadzumi behind.

▶Volume 28

This volume can be summarized as follows:
  • Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto (His Augstness Prince True Path), head of the Ananai faith on the Island of Takasago (present-day Taiwan), has two sons: Hitate (Sun Shield) and his younger brother Tsukihoko (Moon Halberd).

  • Sahru-bohsu and his younger brother Hohro-kehsu, crafty co-prime ministers of Takasago, seize control of the entire island. However, their unpopular dictatorship makes the islanders explode with grief and anger, eventually triggering a revolution in the capital.

  • Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto is entangled in a political conspiracy and is finally imprisoned on a false charge.

  • When Hitate and Tsukihoko pray to the Kami for their father's acquittal, they receive a divine message to the effect that they should go to the South Ryukyu Island, one of the two Ryukyu Islands (modern-day Okinawa Islands, Japan; see image below), for assistance from Teru-hiko, a senior member of the Ananai faith and also king of the Ryukyu Kingdom. The two Takasagoites receive divine treasures.

  • Hitate and Tsukihoko use the divine treasures from the South Ryukyu Island to bring the enemy forces into submission and rescue their father Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto.

  • Peace prevails on the Island of Takasago again. Takasago and the Ryukyu Kingdom become allies, with some members of Takasago's King Kahru family and Ryukyu's King Teru-hiko family establishing marital relations.

The above might be a prophecy and assurance for the future of Taiwan.
Specifically, even if China invades and seizes Taiwan, its rule will unlikely last long, thanks to the divine pledge to rescue the island nation (see above), and to the assistance, military or otherwise, of Japan, the United States and other countries.

Taiwan (left) and Ryukyu Islands (center)

Image by courtesy of Wikipedia: Ryukyu Islands

Location of Yushan (Mount Yu, Mount Jade)

Image by courtesy of Google Maps

Location of Sun Moon Lake

Image by courtesy of Google Maps

A close-up of Sun Moon Lake

Image by courtesy of Google Maps

As shown in Volume 3 above, the blue jewel of Venus' 12 jewels was enshrined on Mount Yu (= Mt. Jade) on the Island of Taiwan in the age of gods. At the same time, Takakuni-wake and Takakuni-hime were appointed yatsugashira guardians of the island, whereas Hanamori-hiko was appointed yatsuoh ruler.

Region Jewel Color Yatsugashira Guardians Yatsuoh Ruler
Yu Shan
(Mt. Yu = Mt. Jade)


The capital of Takasago (= Taiwan) has been built at the northern foot of Mount Yu (= Yushan; see map above) since olden times, and that is where King Kahrusu, a descendant of Yatsuoh Ruler Hanamori-hiko, rules the island nation.

King Kahrusu is engaged to Princess Yah-chin, one of his cousins. She is a beautiful princess with an excellent reputation as the 'flower of the Island of Takasago,' and the Taiwanese islanders also expect her to be the future queen of King Kahrusu.

Meanwhile, Sahru-bohsu and his younger brother Hohro-kehsu are crafty co-prime ministers of Takasago who desire to seize control of the entire island. They have ulterior motives, partly because their mother Tamate-hime is an evil deity personified. In fact, the co-prime ministers' dictatorship is so unpopular that the islanders are about to explode with grief and anger.

Sahru-bohsu brands Princess Yah-chin as a devil and holds her captive. He proceeds to install his daughter Princess Sehrusu as queen of King Kahrusu.

The Ananai faith on the Island of Takasago is headquartered on Mount Yu (Yushan) as its holy ground in the vicinity of Sun Moon Lake (see map above).

The Ananai faith used to be a dominant religion on the island, but it has been replaced by the Brahman faith since former King Ahkusu, the father of King Kahrusu, converted to the non-native religion. Today, the Ananai faith is worshipped mostly in southern Takasago, and northern Takasago is under the influence of the Brahman faith.

The Brahman faith mentioned in the Monogatari probably has little to do with modern-day Brahmanism because it is defined as any religion that:
  • Operates on the principle of "the strong preying on the weak,"

  • Controls people through ideology and authoritarianism, and

  • Disproportionately puts "power over spirit or body."

Brahman faith Description
Founder Oh Kuni-wake (with the aid of his wife Shikokuni-hime)

Webmaster's note:
  • Oh Kuni-wake is a child of the Kami Mahesvara Oh Kuni-hiko, a valiant human-shaped kami who descended to the Earth from the planet Uranus.

  • The Kami Mahesvara Oh Kuni-hiko was originally an honorable deity residing in the sphere of good gods, but as he settled on the Earth over an extended period of time, he was unconsciously possessed by ghostly vibrations and evil spirits (e.g. evil dragons, foxes and ogres) emanating from the taishu-reiju (carnal pleasure over spiritual purity) evil energy that had filled the Earth since Adaru-hiko (= Adam) and Eba-hime (= Eve) disobeyed heavenly orders. As a result, Oh Kuni-hiko started acting like an evil deity. This further exacerbated the chaos on the Earth like turbid water, with foul and filthy energy permeating the planet.

  • Driven out by righteous deities, Ural-hiko (founder of the Ural faith) and his wife Ural-hime fled to the Tokoyo no Kuni (Land of Eternity; usually corresponds to modern-day North America), where they ordered Oh Kuni-wake and his wife Shikokuni-hime to found the Brahman faith - a second Ural faith, as it were - in the Egyptian City of Iho. Accordingly, Oh Kuni-wake and Shikokuni-hime founded the faith in the Egyptian city.
Headquarters The City of Iho in Egypt, initially

Webmaster's note:
  • The headquarters of the Brahman faith has been relocated to:

    • The Mesopotamia

    • Mount Oe in Japan, and

    • The City of Haruna (modern-day Mumbai) in India

    Changes in Brahman faith headquarters

    1. Land of Eternity (North America), where Ural-hiko and Ural-hime ordered Oh Kuni-wake and Shikokuni-hime to found the Brahman faith
    2. Egyptian City of Iho
    3. Mesopotamia
    4. Mount Oe in Japan, and
    5. Indian City of Haruna (Mumbai)

  • The changes in Brahman faith headquarters may have a significant geopolitical impact on the future state of the world in light of the kata (model) principles.

Grand Master
(= head of the Brahman faith)
Onikumo-hiko (literally, "Prince Ogre Cloud")
Also known as the Oh Kuro Nushi (Great Black Master)

When Oh Kuni-wake, founder of the Brahman faith, passed away, his son Oh Kuniwake-hiko, who was also the sole legitimate heir to the Brahman throne, was ousted by Onikumo-hiko, one of Oh Kuni-wake's top aides, as he had an ulterior motive for power and prestige. Since then he had called himself "Oh kuni-hiko" or the "Deity Great Black Master."

The Great Black Master kissed his lawful wife Onikumo-hime off, took Isono-hime, a young and beautiful deity, as his new wife, had many concubines serve him, and dwelt in a cavern in the middle of Mount Taiun near the City of Haruna (modern-day Mumbai).

The Great Black Master proclaimed to come from the authentic mainstream kshatriya, thereby arguing that he was qualified to be grand head of the whole Land of the Moon (Lunar Dynasty). As a result, kings of some 7,000 smaller kingdoms within the Land of the Moon swore allegiance to and even curried favor with the Great Black Master.

The Brahman faith under Oh Kuni-wake remained a small religious group, whereas the Great Black Master played a significant role in laying the foundations for the faith and transforming it into a global phenomenon - in a negative way.

The Brahman faith as described in the Monogatari was founded in the age of gods some 300,000 years before the birth of Siddhartha Gautama.
Teachings The Brahman faith teaches that asceticism pleases the will of the Divine. It misinterprets the true meaning of the reishu taiju (right balance between spirit and body, with spirit always prioritized over body), disregards the flesh, and overemphasizes spirits and souls.

Believers of this faith go stark naked and jump into thorns, walk through fire, dive in water, go stark naked in the coldest season or walk barefoot across rugged mountains.

As entry-level ascetic practices, Brahman believers wear shoes whose soles are studded all over with nails. Their feet bleed when they walk in those shoes.

Therefore, believers of the Brahman faith have their whole bodies bleeding and festering. This is nothing less than a ghastly sight. The Brahman faith takes pride in mortifying the flesh.

Evil spirits, such as Yatsugashira Yatsuo (Eight-headed, eight-tailed serpent), Kimmoh-kyubi Hakumen no Akko (White-faced evil fox with nine blonde tails), and demons, like to see human blood so much that they tend to possess those Brahman believers who mortify their own flesh under the pretext of the reishu taiju (right balance between spirit and body, with spirit always prioritized over body) as they misinterpret the true meaning of this spiritual precept.

Generally, believers of the Brahman faith make light of life, attach importance to death, and look forward to nothing but being saved in heaven where they can bask in absolute, infinite glory and bliss. (NB: Given the precept of the reishu taiju, it is a gross violation of the Great Way of the Kami to make light of the human body as a living shrine of the Divine. In other words, body is just as important as spirit.)

Good deities fear that a wider spread of the Brahman faith can lead to a total extinction of living creatures on earth.

The Brahman faith classifies human souls into three distinct categories: upper, medium and lower levels. People born from the head of the Kami Mahesvara Oh Kuni-hiko and their descendants invariably belong to the upper-level category, assume high-ranking posts, and become rulers no matter how foolish or benighted they may be. People born from the abdomen of the Kami Mahesvara Oh Kuni-hiko and their descendants stand between high- and low-ranking people, become quasi-rulers, and lead an easy life. The remaining masses born from the legs of the Kami Mahesvara Oh Kuni-hiko and their descendants lead a life of toil and sweat and are exploited by the ruling classes. They are also forced to practice asceticism, so they become emaciated or succumb to death.

Angry outcries have been mounting in areas that practice the Brahman faith as many locals have been subjected to a hellish life. Meanwhile, evil deities have been gaining greater traction, with their sphere of influence spreading to the Land of Fusa (modern-day Iran) and then to the Land of the Moon (modern-day India).

Co-Prime Minister Hohro-kehsu's army made up of numerous Brahman believers attacks the Ananai faith's holy ground on Mount Yu (Yushan) and succeeds in occupying it. And in the process Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto (His Augstness Prince True Path), head of the Ananai faith on the Island of Takasago, is killed.

Meanwhile, Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto's two sons, i.e. Hitate (Sun Shield) and his younger brother Tsukihoko (Moon Halberd), escape from the attack and flee to the Dragon Isle on Sun Moon Lake. They stand ready to jump into the lake from the mountaintop on the isle in an attempt to receive a message from the Kami as to whether or not they can regain the Ananai faith's holy ground on Mount Yu (Yushan) from the hands of Hohro-kehsu, when two Ananai propagandists appear - namely, Kotoyori-wake no Mikoto and Kuniyori-wake, who are on their way to the Island of Takasago from the Onokoro Jima (Self-Fallen Island Chain = Japanese Archipelago).

Kotoyori-wake no Mikoto and Kuniyori-wake share with Hitate and Tsukihoko some spiritual power from the Jewel of Ryu and the Jewel of Kyu, both of which are combined to denote the Jewels of the Ryukyu Islands (see map above).

Energized by the power of the Jewels, Hitate and Tsukihoko lead their divine army to the Ananai faith's holy ground on Mount Yu (Yushan) to recapture it from the hands of Hohro-kehsu.

It turns out that Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto was not dead. When he was about to be speared to death by Hohro-kehsu's army, he was saved by Konohana-hime no Mikoto, a messenger-goddess from Mount Fuji, and was protected in a hermitage at the bottom of the valley of Mount Ahrisu, which forms succesive peaks with Mount Yu (Yushan). When he lives in seclusion there, Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto witnesses Prince Yah-chin being pushed down from the cliff by Sahru-bohsu's army.

Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto rescues Princess Yah-chin, returns to the Ananai faith's holy ground on Mount Yu (Yushan), and works with his sons Hitate and Tsukihoko to restore the holy ground.

King Kahrusu becomes ill from being forced to marry someone he hates: Princess Sehrusu. As a result, he is under house arrest in a mountain hermitage.

Co-Prime Ministers Sahru-bohsu and Hohro-kehsu, together with Princess Sehrusu, have succeeded in seizing control of the entire Island of Takasago (Taiwan). However, their dictatorship is so unpopular with the islanders that they explode with grief and anger. This culminates in a revolution in the capital.

The divine army of Ananai faith believers also rises up, quells the revolution, and takes control of the capital. But King Kahrusu imprisons Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto, head of the Ananai faith on the Island of Takasago, out of fear that he is probably plotting to grab political power from the king.

Hitate and Tsukihoko pray to the Kami that their father Mamichi-hiko no Mikoto will be cleared of the false accusation against him. Suddenly, Princess Yuriko, the wife of Hitate, is possessed by Goddess Tatsuyo-hime, the guardian deity of the Island of Takasago, and receives an oracle directing them to visit the Island of Kyu (= South Ryuku Island), one of the two main islands of the Ryukyu Kingdom (modern-day Okinawa Islands, Japan; see map above), to seek help from King Teru-hiko of the island, also an Ananai faith believer.

Vol. 28, Chap. 10: A divine message from Goddess Tatsuyo-hime

Hitate, Tsukihoko, and Princess Yuriko board a ship to the Island of Kyu and arrive in Sawara, its capital city. They move on to the Castle of Sawara, where they are delighted to receive divine messages from King Teru-hiko and his wife Teru-hime. Those messages were initially given to Teru-hiko and Teru-hime when they climbed Mount Kohyoh as they foresaw the arrival of the guests from Takasago.

Vol. 28, Chap. 13: Hitate, Tsukihoko and Princess Yuriko
receive divine messages from Teru-hiko and Teru-hime

To be continued...

Onisaburo in Omoto missionary robe and headgear.
Placed on the table is his handcrafted Hotei figurine.

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